Send us your artwork and win prizes!

Looking for a chance to become a pro-abortion designer? Create a pro-abortion t-shirt design using the phrase “You Always Have Options” for our YAHO art contest! The first place winner will receive $1500 and the winning design will be printed on a limited run of t-shirts. Two runners-up will each receive $250, and the designs will be printed on a limited run of stickers. With this contest, we hope to elevate lots of pro-abortion artists and proliferate the YAHO message far and wide. A selection of submissions will be chosen by the YAHO cohort (SYA, I Need an A, Plan C, and Charley Chatbot), and the winner will be chosen by an online popular vote.

What is YAHO?

YAHO is both a phrase and a website. The website is a hub for top-level abortion resources in the US. At the YAHO site, people can find information on clinics, pills, legal and medical information, and more. The phrase is easy to remember and share. In a time of fear and lack of information around abortion, we also intend “You Always Have Options” to be a beacon of hope for people seeking abortions and those who support abortion access.

What kind of art are we looking for?

Broadly, we’re looking for creative depictions of the phrase “You Always Have Options.” The phrase should be highly readable and designs should avoid minute detail, as they don’t translate well to screen printing. The design itself is up to you! It’s totally ok if it’s just text, but it can also include additional graphic elements.

Helping people understand various safe paths to abortion access is really the whole point of YAHO! Additionally, we’re hoping that YAHO comes to be shared and relied upon by all sorts of people, not just folks who are traditionally concerned with getting pregnant; so we’re not particularly interested in anything that feels traditionally gendered.

One other stylistic note: SYA avoids coat hanger symbolism, because we prefer not to elevate an outdated, unsafe abortion method as opposed to a current, safe method like abortion pills.

Please note that winning artwork may be altered with the artist’s permission to fit screenprinting standards.

When do submissions close? Online submissions will close on May 1, 2025; online voting will be available soon afterwards. Please check back here after May 1st for information on online voting.

For more details, see the FAQ section below. 


Check the FAQs on the right to get all the information you need to submit your art.

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YAHO came out of a brainstorm that included folks from a number of movement organizations. The idea was brought to life by SYA, I Need an A, Plan C, and Charley Chatbot.

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  • Designs should be a maximum of two colors. Please note, if your design uses more than two colors we will not be able to use it for a t-shirt print and you will not be able to win the contest!
  • Initial submissions should be sent as jpegs. When a winner is chosen, we will contact the artist for a high-resolution version of the artwork for printing. Please be sure to have both options available.
  • Please use your name or artist name and the name of the artwork to name your files. Example: JohnDoe-YouAlwaysHaveOptions.jpg. If you are submitting multiple files, please add numbers to your file names [JohnDoe-YouAlwaysHaveOptions01.jpg]
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This contest is intended to raise public awareness of abortion resources and we are looking for artists who want to use their work to elevate You Always Have Options. We also want to highlight artists making pro-abortion work. As such, the YAHO coalition may share your artwork (we’ll credit you however you like) during and after the contest. Contest winners will be compensated for their artwork and receive a contract for printing their design with SYA. Other artwork will not be monetized in any way, but will be shared on social media and other formats by the YAHO team.

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This is up to you! We can tag you online and share your name or your artist name. You can also choose to remain anonymous. You will be able to enter details in the submission form.

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A selection of top images will be chosen by the YAHO cohort. The winner will be chosen from among these selections by an online popular vote. Voting will take place around May 15, 2025. We will directly share information on online voting with all artists who submit work.

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Yes. Although the website is a US-based project, we encourage submissions from artists outside of the US. The sentiment works everywhere and we’d love to see the messaging take off in other countries!

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Yes, handmade art that has been scanned into a digital format is fine as long as it follows the 2-color rule. Please note that winning artwork may be altered with the artist’s permission to fit screen-printing standards.

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No! Submit as many pieces as you like.

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We are happy to answer questions! Send us an email at shout your abortion at gmail dot com.

Submit Your Artwork

* Required Field

Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
This is how you will be publicly credited during the online voting process. You can choose to be anonymous.
Your email will never be displayed on the site
Agree to Terms*
Get updates from the YAHO coalition (SYA, I Need an A, Charley Chatbot, Plan C)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Terms & Conditions

By submitting your content to Shout Your Abortion (SYA), you specifically grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to post this content on our public website, social media, newsletters, and the public website, social media; and newsletters of the You Always Have Options (YAHO) coalition (I Need an A, Plan C, Charley Chatbot [add links]).

You will not submit content that infringes or violates someone else’s rights or otherwise violates the law. This includes submitting photos or art that does not belong to you. By submitting your artistic content, you affirm that the artwork was created by you and you are the sole owner of the artwork.

We do not accept content created in part or in full by Artificial Intelligence (AI). By submitting your artwork, you attest that the artwork was created solely by you without the help of AI.

You understand that this contest is intended to support “You Always Have Options” pro-abortion messaging, and understand that SYA reserves the right to exclude artistic submissions from being included in the voting process if we determine it is harmful, confusing, or anti-abortion in any way.

If your content violates the above agreements and results in litigation against SYA, you agree to cover any and all resulting costs, fees, and damages.

SYA invites people to report instances where their Intellectual Property has been posted without their permission.

If we remove your content from the contest for infringing someone else’s copyright and you believe we removed it by mistake, we will provide you with an opportunity to appeal.